London Philharmonic Orchestra
Bioshock: The Ocean on His Shoulders
Deus Ex-Human Revolution: Icarus Main Theme
Batman Arkham City: Main Theme
Sonic the Hedgehog: a Symphonic Suite
Uncharted, Drake's Fortune: Nate's Theme
Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty Theme
Super Mario Galaxy: Gusty Garden Galaxy
Halo 3: One Final Effort
Halo: Never Forget/Peril
Fez: Adventure
Battlefield 2: Theme
Call of Duty 4, Modern Warfare: Main Menu Theme
Elder Scrolls – Skyrim: Far Horizons
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto in G Minor, Op. 8 No. 2, RV 315 "Summer": III. Presto
Legend of Zelda: Suite
Tetris Theme (Korobeiniki)
Super Metroid: a Symphonic Poem
Legend of Zelda – the Windwaker: Dragon Roost Island
Super Mario Bros: Theme
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep: Fate of the Unknown
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Grand Theft Auto IV: Soviet Connection
Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2: Theme
Chrono Trigger: Main Theme
Angry Birds: Main Theme
O Mio Babbino Caro
The Greatest Video Game Music
The Greatest Video Game Music 2
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - Violin Concertos RV 199 "Il sospetto", RV 356 & RV 347
Songs of Hope: The Essential Joe Hisaishi Vol. 2
A Room With A View