Shovel Knight Dig (Original Soundtrack)
Jake Kaufman
Boss - The Quenched
Boss - The Awakening
Jingle - Hexcavators
End Credits
Jingle - Well Met, Friend!
Rapid Ascent
Overground (Hoofman's Shop)
Overground (Main)
Fully Furnaced (Smeltworks)
Hegemony (Crystal Core)
Pest Friends (The Grub Pit)
Spore Judgment (Mushroom Mines)
Beware the Depths
Boss - The Studious
Boss - The Chitinous
Boss - The Packrat
Score Screen
Boss - The Forger
One Person's Trash (Magic Landfill)
Overground (Campfire)
An Ambush!
Jingle - Treasure!
Boss - The Claim Jumper
Boss Defeat
Who Needs Honor (Drill Knight's Castle)
Trailer (Date Reveal)
Thermal Vent (Secret Fountain)